N.J.S.A 10:4-8(b) authorizes local units to conduct public meetings through use of streaming services and other online meeting platforms in certain circumstances. Furthermore, the capacity of indoor gatherings pursuant to Executive Order 173, shall be limited to 25% of the room, but not larger than 25 persons. Therefore, in light of the current Public Health Emergency and Executive Order, Board members may participate in person, but the public participation and viewing of the Board of Education will be held online. Details for viewing and/or providing public comment during the meeting are listed below.
This is a new experience for everyone. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we conduct the meeting. The agenda and any documents related to the meeting can be found online HERE.
When: September 24, 2020 at 07:00 PM
Topic: September 24, 2020 Public Board of Education Meeting
Description: Public Board Meeting
There are multiple ways you can experience the meeting:
If you wish to watch the livestream of the meeting on YouTube, you can do so HERE:
To participate in the public comment portion of the meeting of the Board of Education as an attendee, please click the URL below to join the meeting via Zoom. This method is required if you wish to participate in the public comment portion of the meeting. (If you do not wish to speak during public comment, we ask that you use the YouTube livestream link above.)
Please click this URL to join. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8723...https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87235377876?pwd=by96RENlR1pTRDJQcnBOQUx1b2wwdz09
Webinar ID: 872 3537 7876
Password: 39X8Am
Click HERE for a one page reference guide
Or listen by phone:
Webinar ID: 872 3537 7876
Passcode: 181787